Happy St. Patrick's Day

I love any reason to celebrate.....thank goodness for the person who invented holidays!!!  With St. Patrick's Day coming up,  I thought it would be fun to bake some fun shamrock cookies, but then I realized that my cookie cutter only has 3 leaves, not 4 leaves.  What a rip off, haha... we'll just pretend these are 4-leaf-clovers. 


I love using royal icing because it dries smooth and hard.  I find that this is the best method to decorating cookies if you plan to package them as favors because they hold up very well and don't smudge.  However, if you going to add glittery details and pearls, make sure you add them quickly after icing, because once the icing dries its too late!  Here is a link to Wilton's Royal Icing recipe.

I can't wait to one day have a full house of kids and all of their little friends that come with it, so then all of these treats I love to make will be eaten up no problem!  (not for another year or two or three, haha)  For the time being, I love to give them to our wonderful trash men that come every Tuesday morning at 6am, our mail man Billy that comes everyday at 1:00, the nice guy at our bank that likes to talk golf, Kurt,  and our two local CVS Pharmacy ladies, Barbara and Natalie, who make our CVS the best in America!  I love seeing the smiles on their faces!  We can never say "thank you" enough! 

I added these cute little St. Patrick's Day quotes that I found.

 "Leprechauns, castles, good luck and laughter.
 Lullabies, dreams and love ever after,
 A thousand welcomes when anyone comes...
 That's the Irish for You!"

"A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have!"

The very first quote I came across was supposedly an Irish Toast.....

"May you die in bed at ninety-five years, shot by a jealous husband (or wife)"

Ummmm....I hope nobody toasts that to me! haha  I thought I should use a quote just a little more uplifting...I'll save that one for April Fools Day!

Our Wedding

<img alt="Our Wedding." longdesc="[IMG]http://i799.photobucket.com/albums/yy273/perrylivonius/perryjustin-1360.jpg[/IMG]" src="[IMG]http://i799.photobucket.com/albums/yy273/perrylivonius/perryjustin-1360.jpg[/IMG]" />


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